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Publications in natural sciences (journals only)


67. De Conti, M. C. M. D.; Dey, S.; Pottker, W. E. and La Porta, F. A. An overview into advantages and applications of conventional and unconventional hydro(solvo)thermal approaches for novel advanced materials design. Materials Today Sustainability, v. 23, 100458 (2023).

66. Benatto, V. G.; de Jesus, J. P. A.; de Castro, A. A.; Assis, L. C.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F. A. Prospects of ZnS and ZnO as smart semiconductor materials in light-activated antimicrobial coatings for mitigation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection. Materials Today Communications, v. 34, 105192 (2023).

65. De Jesus, J. P. A. and La Porta, F. A. Elucidating the spectroscopic and physicochemical properties for a pH-dependent glyphosate structure from a computational perspective. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 114209 (2023). 

64. Echeverría-Arrondo, C.; Alvarez, A. O.; Masi, S.; Fabregat-Santiago, F. and La Porta, F. A. Electronic, Structural, Optical, and Electrical Properties of CsPbX3 Powders (X = Cl, Br, and I) Prepared Using a Surfactant-Free Hydrothermal Approach. Nanomanufacturing, v. 3(2), 217-227 (2023).

63. Araujo, J. F. D. F.; Reis, A. L. A.; Yokoyama, E.; Medina, C. D.; Osorio, G. F. G.; Luz-Lima, C.; de Falco, A.; Lima, C. D. A.; Silva, J. F. C.; Sinimbu, L. I. M.; Gutierrez, F. V.; Pottker, W. E.; La Porta, F. A.; Mendoza, L. A. F.; Tahir; Rosso, T. D.; Bruno, A. C. Construction of a Hall effect scanning magnetic microscope using permanent magnets for characterization of rock samples. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 569 (1), 170304 (2023).

62. Fulindi, R. B.; Rodrigues, J. D.; Barbosa, T. W. L.; Garcia, A. D. G.; La Porta, F. A.; Pratavieira, S.; Chiavacci, L. A.; Araújo, J. P. Jr.; Costa, P. I. and Martinez, L. R. Zinc-Based Nanoparticles Reduce Bacterial Biofilm Formation. Microbiology Spectrum, v. 11 (2), e04831-22 (2023).

61. Da Silva, R. C.; La Porta, F. A.; Silva, G. A. S.; Tebcherani, R. M.; Kubaski, E. T.; Bonfante, E. A.; Tebcherani, S. M. Application of factorial model for an optimization of partial replacement of feldspar by talc on the sintering process. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, v. 20 (3), 1576-1590 (2023).


60. Silva, B. R.; Queiroz, P. A.; do Amaral, P. H. R.; de Freitas, B. C.; Stocco, A. F.; Sampiron, E. G.; Vandresen, F.; Tognim, M. C. B.; Caleffi-Ferracioli, K. R.; Scodro, R. B. L.; Cardoso, F.; La Porta, F. A. and Siqueira, V. L. D. Polymyxin B Activity Rescue by (−)-Camphene-Based Thiosemicarbazide Against Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacterales. Microbial Drug Resistance, 28 (10), 962-971 (2022).

59. Suzuki, V. Y.; Amorin, L. H. C.; Fabris, G. S. L.; Dey, S.; Sambrano, J. R.; Cohen, H.; Oron, D. and La Porta, F. A. Enhanced Photocatalytic and Photoluminescence Properties Resulting from Type-I Band Alignment in the Zn2GeO4/g-C3N4 Nanocomposites. Catalysts, 12(7), 692 (2022).

58. Lima, N.M.; Preet, G.; Marqui, S. R.; Falcoski, T. O. R. S.; Navegante, G.; Soares, C. P.; Andrade, T. J. A. S.; La Porta, F. A.; Rakotondraie, H. L. R.; Jaspars, M. and Silva, D. H. S. Metabolic Profiling of Inga Species with Antitumor ActivityMolecules, 27(15), 4695 (2022).

57. Benatto, V. G.; Fabris, G. S. L.; Sambrano, J. R.; Taft, C. A. and La Porta, F. A. Influence of structural disorder on the photocatalytic properties of ZnS nanocrystals prepared by the one-pot solvothermal approachEclética Química, 47(3), 17–31 (2022).

56. de Castro, A. A.; Assis, L. C.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F. A. New in silico insights into the application of the (hydroxy)chloroquine with macrolide antibiotics co-crystals against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID, 2022, v. 2(3), 230-243. (Research Square, DOI: 10.21203/


55. Assis, L. C.; de Castro, A. A.; de Jesus, J. P. A.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F. A. Theoretical Insights into the Effect of Halogenated Substituent on the Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of the Favipiravir Tautomeric Forms and Its Implications on the Treatment of COVID-19. RSC Advances, 11, 35228-35244 (2021) (ChemRxiv, DOI:

54. de Jesus, J. P. A.; Assis, L. C.; de Castro, A. A.; da Cunha, E. F. F.; Nepovimova, E.; Kuca, K.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F. A. Effect of drug metabolism in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 from an entirely computational perspective. Scientific Reports, v. 11, 19998 (2021) 

53. La Porta, F. A. and Masi, S. Solvent-Mediated Structural Evolution Mechanism from Cs4PbBr6 to CsPbBr3 Crystals. Nanomanufacturing, 1(2), 67-74 (2021).

52. Guitierrez, F. V.; de Falco, A.; Yokoyama, E.; Mendoza, L. A. F.; Luz-Lima, C.; Perez, G.; Loreto, R. P.; Pottker, W. E.; La Porta, F. A.; Solorzano, G.; Arsalani, S.; Baffa, O. and Araujo, J. F. D. F. Magnetic Characterization by Scanning Microscopy of Functionalized Iron Oxide NanoparticlesNanomaterials, 11(9), 2197 (2021)

51. Ody, K. S.; A. A.; de Jesus, J. P. A.; Cava, C. E.; Alburquerque, A. R.; Maia, A. S.; Sambrano, J. R. and La Porta, F. A. Avaliação da estrutura eletrônica da fase monoclínica do óxido de nióbio com base no uso de diferentes funcionais de densidade. Química Nova, v. 44 (9), 1124-1131, (2021).

50. de Jesus, J. P. A.; Luz, A. C.; Pinto, F. A.; Taft, C. A. and La Porta, F. A. Review: Theoretical and experimental investigation of the intrinsic properties of Zn2GeO4 nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Science, v. 56, 4552-4568 (2021).

49. Assis, L. C.; de Castro, A. A.; de Jesus, J. P. A.; Nepovimova, E.; Kuca, K.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F. A. Computational evidence for nitro derivatives of quinoline and quinoline N-oxide as low-cost alternative for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Scientific Reports, v. 11, 6397 (2021). (Research Square, DOI: 10.21203/

48. de Jesus, J. P. A.; Jimenez, M. Z. and La Porta, F. A. Theoretical investigation on the effects of electric field on the electronic structure and spectroscopic properties of Zn6-xCdxS6 clusters as model systems of semiconductor quantum dots. Computational Materials Science, v. 188, 110147 (2021).

47. Lima, N. M.; Falcoski, T. O. R.; Silveira, R. S.; Vieira, H. S.; Santos, V. N. C.; Ramos, R. R.; Silva, J. C. P.; Andrade, T. J. A. S.; Carli, A. P.; Costa, P. I.; La Porta, F. A. and Almeida, M. V. A. Effectivity of Different Methods for the Extraction of Principle Actives and Phytochemicals Content in Medicinal Herbals. Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, v. 20 (3), 324-338 (2021).

46. Suzuki, V. Y.; Amorin, L. H. C.; de Paula, N. H.; Albuquerque, A. R.; Siu Li, M.; Sambrano, J. R.; Longo, E. and La Porta, F. A. New insights into the nature of the bandgap of CuGeO3 nanoparticles: Synthesis, electronic structure, and optical and photocatalytic properties. Materials Today Communications, v. 26, 101701 (2021).


45. Suzuki, V. Y.; Amorin, L. H. C.; Lima, N. M.; Machado, E. G.; Carvalho, P. E.; Castro, S. B. R.; Souza Alves, C. C.; Carli, A. P.; Siu Li, M.; Longo, E. and La Porta, F. A. Characterization of the structural, optical, photocatalytic and in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of Mn2+ doped Zn2GeO4 nanorods. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, v. 7, 8216-8225 (2019).

44. Araujo, J. F. D. F.; Vieira, D. R. P.; Osorio, F.; Pöttker, W. E.; La Porta, F. A.; de la Presa, P. and Bruno, A. C. Versatile Hall magnetometer with variable sensitivity assembly for characterization of the magnetic properties of nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, v. 489, 165431 (2019).

43. Pinto, F. M.; Suzuki, V. Y.; Silva, R. C. and La Porta, F. A. Oxygen defects and surface chemistry of reducible oxides. Frontiers in Materials, v. 6, 260 (2019).

42. Suzuki, V. Y.; Paula, N. H.; Gonçalves, R.; Li, M. S.; Pereira, E. C.; Longo, E. and La Porta, F. A. Exploring effects of microwave-assisted thermal annealing on optical properties of Zn2GeO4 nanostructured films. Materials Science and Engineering: B, v. 246, 7-12 (2019).

41. Mazzo, T. M.; Macario, L. R.; Gorup, L. F.; Bouquet, V.; Députier, S.; Ollivier, S.; Guilloux-Viry, M.; Albuquerque, A. R.; Sambrano, J. R.; La Porta, F. A. and Longo, E. Toward a better understanding of the critical role of complex interface defects in controlling the electronic, structural, and optical properties of novel MgTiO3/LaNiO3 nanostructured films. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2 (5), 2612- 2620, (2019). *COVER

40. Lima, N. M.; Falcoski, T. O. R.; Silveira, R. S.; Ramos, R. R.; Andrade, T. J. A. S.; Costa, P. I.; La Porta, F. A. and Almeida, M. V. A. Inga edulis fruits: A new source of bioactive anthocyanins. Natural Product Research, 1-5 (2019).

39. Batista, S. A. A.; Vandresen, F.; Falzirolli, H.; Britta, E.; de Oliveira, D. N.; Catharino, R. R.; Gonçalves, M. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; La Porta, F. A.; Nakamura, C. A. and da Silva, C. C. Synthesis and comparison of antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities of S-(−)-limonene benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazones with their R-(+)-analogues. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1179 (5), p. 252-262 (2019).

38. Amorin, L. H.; Suzuki, V. Y.; Paula, N. H.; Duarte, J. L.; Silva, M. A. T. and La Porta, F. A. Electronic, structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties of graphitic carbon nitride. New Journal of Chemistry, v. 43 (34), 13647-13653 (2019).


37. Pottker, W. E.; Ono, R.; Cobos, M. A.; Hernando, A.; Araujo, J. F. D. F.; Bruno, A. C. O.; Lourenço, S. A.; Longo, E. and La Porta, F. A. Influence of order-disorder effects on the magnetic and optical properties of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles. Ceramics International, v. 44 (14), p. 17290-17297 (2018).

36. Da Fonseca, A. F. V.; Siqueira, R. L.; Landers, R.; Ferrari, J. L.; Marana, N. L.; Sambrano, J. R.; La Porta, F. A. and Schiavon, M. A. A theoretical and experimental investigation of Eu-doped ZnO nanorods and its application on dye sensitized solar cells. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 739, p. 839-947 (2018)

35. Lima, N. M.; Santos, V. N. C. and La Porta, F. A. Chemodiversity, bioactivity and chemosystematics the genus Inga (FABACEAE): A brief review. Revista Virtual de Química, 10 (3), p. 459-473 (2018).

34. Borges, K. C. M.; Gonçalves, R. F.; Correa, A. A.; La Porta, F. A.; Santos, M. R. C. and Godinho, M. J. A Comparative Study of Conventional and Microwave Sintering of BaCe1− xGdxO3− δ Ceramic. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, v. 28 (1), p. 130-136 (2018).


33. Oliveira, L. H.; Ramirez, M. A.; Ponce, M. A.; Ramajo, L. A.; Albuquerque, A. R.; Sambrano, J. R.; Longo, E.; Castro, M. S. and La Porta, F. A. Optical and gas-sensing properties, and electronic structure of the mixed-phase CaCu3Ti4O12/CaTiO3 composites. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 93, p. 47-55 (2017).

32. La Porta, F. A.; Nogueira, A. E.; Gracia, L.; Pereira, W. S.; Botelho, G.; Mulinari, T. A.; Andrés, J. and Longo, E. An experimental and theoretical investigation on the optical and photocatalytic properties of ZnS nanoparticles. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, v. 103, p. 179-189 (2017).


31. Pereira, W. S.; Ferrer, M. M.; Botelho, G.; Nogueira, I. C.; Pinatti, I. M.; Rosa, I. L. V.; La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J. and Longo, E. Effects of chemical substitution on the structural and optical properties of αAg2−2xNixWO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.08) solid solutions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 18 (31), p. 21966-21975 (2016).

30. Gonçalves, R. F.; Salomão, M. A.; Santos, M. A. B.; Borges, K. C. M.; Longo, E.; Silva, M. D. P.; La Porta, F. A. and Godinho, M. J. Novel Gd(OH)3, GdOOH and Gd2O3 nanorods: microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and optical properties. Materials Research, v. 19 (5), p. 1155-1161 (2016)

29. Berger, D.; de Moura, A. P.; Oliveira, L. H.; Bastos, W. B.; La Porta, F. A.; Rosa, I. L. V.; Li, M. S.; Tebcherani, S. M.; Longo, E. and Varela, J. A. Improved photoluminescence emission and gas sensor properties of ZnO thin films. Ceramics International, v. 42 (12), p. 13555-13561 (2016).

28. Oliveira, L. H.; de Moura, A. P.; La Porta, F. A.; Nogueira, I. C.; Aguiar, E. C.; Sequinel, T.; Rosa, I. L. V.; Longo, E. and Varela, J. A. Influence of Cu-doping on the structural and optical properties of CaTiO3 powders. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 81, p. 1-9 (2016).

27. Marana, N. L.; Albuquerque, A. R.; La Porta, F. A.; Longo, E.; Sambrano, J. R. Periodic density functional theory study of structural and electronic properties of single-walled zinc oxide and carbon nanotubes. J. Solid State Chemistry, v. 237, p. 36-47 (2016).

26. Pereira, D. H.; La Porta, F. A.; Santiago, R. T.; Garcia, D. R.; Ramalho, T. C. Novas perspectivas sobre o papel dos orbitais moleculares de fronteira no estudo da reatividade química: Uma revisão. Revista Virtual de Química, v. 8 (2), p. 425-453 (2016).


25. Fabbro, M. T.; Saliby, C.; Rios, L. R.; La Porta, F. A.; Li, M. S.; Andrés, J.; Santos, L. P. S. and Longo. E. Identifying and rationalizing the morphological, structural, and optical properties of β-Ag2MoO4 microcrystals, and the formation process of Ag nanoparticles on their surfaces: combining experimental data and first-principles calculations. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, v. 16, p. 065002 (2015)

24. Marana, N. L.; La Porta, F. A.; Longo, E.; Sambrano, J. R. Theoretical study on band alignment mechanism for the ZnO/ZnS interface of core-shell structures. Current Physical Chemistry, v. 5 (4), p. 327- 336 (2015).

23. Nakata, M. M.; Mazzo, T. M.; Casali, G. P.; La Porta, F. A.; Longo, E. A large red-shift in the photoluminescence emission of Mg1-xSrxTiO3. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 622, p. 9-14 (2015).

22. Silva, D. S.; Delezuk, J. A. M.; La Porta, F. A.; Longo, E.; CampanaFilho, S. P. Comparison of experimental and theoretical data on the structural and electronic characterization of chitin and chitosan. Current Physical Chemistry, v. 5 (3), p. 206-213 (2015).

21. Moura, A. P.; Oliveira, L. H.; Rosa, I. L. V.; Xavier, C. S.; Lisboa-Filho, P. N.; Li, M. S.; La Porta, F. A.; Longo, E.; Varela, J. A. Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of NiMoO4 Nanorods Prepared by Microwave Sintering. The Scientific World Journal, v. 2015, p. 1-8 (2015).

20. Ramos, P. H.; La Porta, F. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; de Resende, E. C.; Giacoppo, J. O. S. and Guerreiro, M. C. Fe-DPA as catalyst for oxidation of organic contaminants: Evidence of homogeneous Fenton process. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, v. 641, p. 780-785 (2015).

19. Cormanich, R. A.; Santiago, R. T.; La Porta, F. A.; Freitas, M. P.; Rittner, R.; Da Cunha, E. F. F.; Andrés, J.; Longo, E. and Ramalho, T. C. A Quantum Chemical Topological Analysis of the Hydrogen Bonding in HX . . . HX and CH3X . . . HX Dimers (X = Br, Cl, F). Molecular Simulation, v. 41, p. 600-609 (2015).

18. Batista, F. M. C.; Cavalcante, L. S.; Longo, E.; Li, M. S.; Cerdeiras, E.; Mestres, L.; La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J.; Gracia, L. and Santos M. R. M. C. A joint experimental and theoretical investigations on the electronic structure and photoluminescence properties of Al2(WO4)3 powders. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1081, p. 381-388 (2015).

17. Silva Junior, E.; La Porta, F. A.; Li, M. S.; Andrés, J.; Varela, J. A. and Longo, E. A relationship between structural and electronic orderdisorder effects and optical properties in crystalline TiO2 nanomaterials. Dalton Transactions, v. 44, p. 3159-3175 (2015).


16. La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J.; Gracia, L.; Sambrano, J. R.; Varela, J. A. and Longo, E. A First-Principles Study of Structural and Electronic properties of ZnS Polymorphs and its Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 97, p. 4011-4018 (2014).

15. La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J.; Vismara, M. V. G.; Graeff, C. F. O.; Sambrano, J. R.; Li, M. S.; Varela, J. A. and Longo, E. Correlation between structural and electronic order-disorder effects and optical properties in ZnO nanocrystals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, v. 2, p. 10164-10174 (2014).

14. Andrés, J.; Gracia, L.; Gonzalez-Navarrete, P.; Longo, V. M.; Avansi, W. Jr.; Volanti, D.; Ferrer, M. M.; Lemos, P. S.; La Porta, F. A.; Hernandes, A. C. and Longo, E. Structural and electronic analysis of the atomic scale nucleation of Ag on α-Ag2WO4 induced by electron irradiation. Scientific Reports, v. 4, p. 5391 (2014).

13. La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J.; Li, M. S.; Sambrano, J. R.; Varela, J. A. and Longo, E. Cubic ZnS versus hexagonal ZnS nanospheres: Controlling the phase and optical properties by tetrabutylammonium hydroxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 16, p. 20127- 20137 (2014).

12. Ferrer, M. M.; de Santana, Y. V. B.; Raubach, C. W.; La Porta, F. A.; Gouveia, A. F.; Longo, E. and Sambrano, J. R. Europium doped zinc sulfide: a correlation between experimental and theoretical calculations. Journal of Molecular Modeling, v. 20, p. 2375-2384 (2014).

11. La Porta, F. A.; Ramos, P. H.; de Resende, E. C.; Guerreiro, M. C.; Giacoppo, J. O. S.; Ramalho, T. C.; Sambrano, J. R.; Andrés, J. and Longo, E. Structural, electronic and optical properties of Fe (III) complex with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid: A combined experimental and theoretical study. Inorganica Chimica Acta, v. 416, p. 200-206 (2014).

10. La Porta, F. A.; Giacoppo, J. O. S. and Ramalho, T. C. Síntese e caracterização de um novo material adsorvente produzido a partir de resíduos de pneu para a remoção de contaminantes em solução aquosa. Revista Virtual de Química, v. 6, p. 363-373 (2014).


9. La Porta, F. A.; Ferrer, M. M.; De Santana, Y. B. V.; Raubach, C. W.; Longo, V. M.; Sambrano, J. R.; Longo, E.; Andrés, J.; Li, M. S. and Varela, J. A. Towards an Understanding on the Role of Precursor in the Synthesis of ZnS Nanostructures. Current Physical Chemistry, v. 3, p. 378-385 (2013).

8. Mulinari, T. A.; La Porta, F. A.; Andrés, J.; Cilense, M.; Varela, J. A. and Longo, E. Microwave-Hydrothermal Synthesis of the β-Co(OH)2 and single-crystalline Co3O4 spinel structures. CrystEngComm, v. 15, p. 7443-7449 (2013).

7. La Porta, F. A.; Ferrer, M. M.; De Santana, Y. B. V.; Raubach, C. W.; Longo, V. M.; Sambrano, J. R.; Longo, E.; Andrés, J.; Li, M. S. and Varela, J. A. Synthesis of Wurtzite ZnS Nanoparticles using the Microwave-Assisted Solvothermal Method. Journal of Alloys and Compunds, v. 556, p. 153-159 (2013).


6. La Porta, F. A.; Giacoppo, J. O. S.; Ramos, P. H., Guerreiro, M. C. and Ramalho, T. C. Computational insights into the role of the frontiers orbital in the chemistry of tridentate ligands. American Journal of Chemistry, v. 2, p. 255-262 (2012).


5. La Porta, F. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; Santiago, R. T.; Freitas, M. P. and Da Cunha, E. F. F. Erratum: The Role of the Frontier Orbitals in Acid Base Chemistry of Organic Amines Probed by Ab Initio and Chemometric Techniques. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 111, p. 4505-4505 (2011).

4. De Santana, Y. B. V.; Raubach, C. W.; Ferrer, M. M.; La Porta, F. A.; Sambrano, J. R., Longo, V. M.; Leite, E. R. and Longo, E. Experimental and theoretical studies on the enhanced photoluminescence activity of zinc sulfide with a capping agent. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 110, p. 123507-123515 (2011).

3. La Porta, F. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; Santiago, R. T.; Rocha, M. V. J. and Da Cunha, E. F. F. Orbital Signatures as a Descriptor of Regioselectivity and Chemical Reactivity: The Role of the Frontier Orbitals on 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, v. 115, p. 824-833 (2011).


2. Santiago, R. T.; La Porta, F. A.; Rocha, M. V. J.; Ramalho, T. C.; Freitas, M. P. and Da Cunha, E. F. F. Description of the acid/base behavior of organic phosphines using ab initio and chemometric approaches. Letters in Organic Chemistry, v. 7, p. 552-556 (2010).

1. La Porta, F. A.; Santiago, R. T.; Ramalho, T. C.; Freitas, M. P. and Da Cunha, E. F. F. The Role of the Frontier Orbitals in Acid Base Chemistry of Organic Amines Probed by Ab Initio and Chemometric Techniques. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, v. 110, p. 2015-2023 (2010).


2017 Longo, E. and La Porta, F. A. (book) Recent Advances in Complex Functional Materials: From Design to Application, SPRINGER.

2020 La Porta, F. A. and Taft, C. A. (book) Emerging Research in Science and Engineering Based on Advanced Experimental and Computational Strategies. SPRINGER.

2021 La Porta, F. A. and Taft, C. A. (book) Functional properties of advanced engineering materials and biomolecules. SPRINGER, Upcomming



2018 Rufato, K. B.; Galdino, J. P.; Ody, K. S.; Pereira, A. G. B.; Corradini, E.; Martins, A. F.; Paulino, A. T.; Fajardo, A. R.; Aouada, F. A.; La Porta, F. A.; Rubira, A. F. and Muniz, E. C. (chapter) Hydrogels based on chitosan and chitosan derivatives for biomedical applications. INTECHOPEN (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.81811).

2020 Gorup, L. F.; Amorin, L. H.; Camargo, E. R.; Sequinel, T.; Cincotto, F. H.; Biasotto, G.; Ramesar, N.; La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Methods for design and fabrication of nanosensors: the case of ZnO-based nanosensor. ELSIEVER (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819870-4.00002-5)

2020 Pinto, F. M. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Current Perspective on Synthesis, Properties, and Application of Graphitic Carbon Nitride Related-Compounds. SPRINGER. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31403- 3_16).


2020 Silva, R. C.; Pottker, W. E.; Batista, A. S. A.; Araujo, J. F. D. F. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Revised Fundamental Properties and Crystal Engineering of Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles. SPRINGER. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31403-3_20)


2020 Assis, L. C.; Lima, N. M.; Andrade, T. J. A. S.; Cordeiro, P. H. Y.; Taft, C. A. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Insights into Novel Antimicrobial Based on Chitosan Nanoparticles: From a Computational and Experimental Perspective. SPRINGER. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030- 31403-3_4).


2020 Lourenço, S. A.; Silva, A. C. A.; Zelaya, V. M.; Cava, C. E.; Rocha, G. D. A.; da Silva, M. A. T.; Duarte, J. L.; Franchello, F.; La Porta, F. A. and Dantas, N. O. (chapter) Surface Engineering in Alloyed CdSe/CdSexCdS1–x/CdS Core-Shell Colloidal Quantum Dots for Enhanced Optoelectronic Applications. SPRINGER. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31403-3_7)


2020 Pinto, F. A.; Silva, R. C. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Overview of conventional and unconventional sintering methods. ELSIEVER, in press.

2021 Pottker, W. E.; de la Presa, P.; Gonçalves, M. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; Hernando, A and La Porta, F.A. (chapter) Nanocrystalline spinel manganese ferrite MnFe2O4: synthesis, electronic structure, and evaluation of their magnetic hyperthermia applications. SPRINGER, Upcomming

2021 Castro, A. A.; Assis, L. C.; Gajo, G. C.; Ramalho, T. C. and La Porta, F.A. (chapter) Advances toward the development of new therapeutic strategies targeting acetylcholinesterase and its remediation processes. SPRINGER, Upcomming

2021 Pinto, F. M.; Dey, S.; Duarte, T. M.; Taft, C. A. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Perovskite-like quantum dots designed for advanced optoeletronic applications. SPRINGER, Upcomming


2021 Assis, L. C.; Castro, A. A.; Ramalho, T. C.; Taft, C. A.; La Porta, F. A. (chapter) An overview of new strategies based on functional nanoscale materials to the treatment of turberculosis. SPRINGER, Upcomming

2022 Pinto, F. M.; de Conti, M. C. M. D.; Dey, S.; Velilla, E.; Taft, C. A. and La Porta, F. A. (chapter) Emerging metal-halide perovskite materials for enhanced solar cells and light-emitting applications. SPRINGER, Upcomming





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