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"At the University, you teach because you do research."

Carlos Chagas Filho

Under professor Felipe de Almeida La Porta's leadership, the Nanotechnology and Computational Chemistry (NANOQC) laboratory at the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) in Londrina is focused on the materials design, assembly and novel properties of nanocrystals, and methodology for nano-micro-macro structures studies. Thus, the NANOQC employs different scientific research lines based on the combination of computational and experimental techniques. The research activities carried out in our group, in principle, offer new possibilities to acquire fundamental and innovative knowledge capable of accelerating the discovery process of novel functional materials, which is crucial for its design and application.   

Our lines of research include the following areas:
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1. Materials Synthesis:

The main synthesis strategies dedicated to the development of new functional materials that have been widely used in our research group for the controlling of the morphology, composition, atomic structure and size of crystalline materials, include the conventional and microwave-assisted hydro-(solvo-)thermal methods; Sol-gel and polymer precursor method; Solid-state reaction; Co-precipitation; Hot-injection; Carbothermic reduction; Among other synthetic routes.


2. Spectroscopy:

Our group has a great interest in the application of spectroscopic techniques (at short, medium, and long-range) for the characterization of materials and devices. In general, as we can observe spectroscopic measurement methods is necessary and has a fundamental aspect for a rigorous structural treatment of these materials, leading to a better understanding of its nanoscale chemical behavior. 

Image by Clay Banks

3. Theoretical Calculations:

Although the knowledge about these materials' applications has advanced considerably, some fundamental properties related to understanding their physical and chemical properties need a better understanding and consensus among the scientific community since specific problems limit their use for commercial purposes. In cases like this, computational tools can undoubtedly be handy for rationalizing phenomena at the atomic level. In general, the NANOQC works in all fields of theoretical and computational chemistry, with a special emphasis on the development of new functional materials and biomolecules with highly targeted properties.

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4. Technological Applications:

NANOQC combines experimental and theoretical approaches towards developing the new functional materials for applications in catalysis, photovoltaic, optoelectronic, sensors, environment, and medicine.

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